- 身心靈整合‧行動取向心理治療 -

Taiwan Association of Psychodrama

- 身心靈整合‧行動取向心理治療 -

Taiwan Association of Psychodrama

- 身心靈整合‧行動取向心理治療 -

Taiwan Association of Psychodrama


Taiwan Association of Psychodrama Articles of Association












First passed on March 27, 2000, and later amended on Jan 27, 2013, Jan 25, 2014, Feb 7, 2015, Feb 19, 2019, Jan 18, 2010, Aug 15, 2021, Nov 7, 2021, and Jan 14, 2023


第一章 總  則


本會定名為「台灣心理劇學會」,譯名為「Taiwan Association of  Psychodrama」,簡寫為「TAP」。

The official name for this association is Taiwan Association of Psychodrama and its acronym is TAP.




This association is established as a non-profit social organization in accordance with the law.

The purposes of this association are to promote the application of psychodrama to the development, research and educational training in the area of medicine and community care, education, and industry and business, etc., and to connect and cooperate with the national and international institutions of related fields and of mental health. 



The organizational area of this association shall include all administrative districts of this country.



The site of this association is located where the regulating authority is, and branches may be established with the approval of the regulating authority. The regulations on establishing branches will be enacted by the board of directors and implemented after the approval of the regulating authority.










The activities of this association are as follows:

  1. To set and maintain the standards of professional ethics and practices in the fields of psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.
  2. To promote the communication and cooperation of the practitioners in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.
  3. To assist the related institutions to enhance the professional skills in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy, and to provide consultation of the continued education for the professionals.
  4. To promote the connection and cooperation with the related national and international organizations to advance the academic research and practitioners‘ conferences and to share the updates and exchanges of information for the members.
  5. To introduce, edit and publish the magazines and books in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.
  6. To promote the certification of the qualified professionals in psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy.
  7. To assist in other activities related to the purposes of this association.



The regulating authority of this association is the Ministry of the Interior. And the regulating authority of the target business is the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.


第二章 會  員 Membership




  1. 凡通過中華民國國家考試,取得心理師、社工師、醫師、職能治療師、護理師 等相關證照者。
  2. 凡取得本會認可之國內外心理劇訓練機構導演資格者。
  3. 國內外教育部認可之心理、社工、醫療、教育等相關系所畢業,認同本會宗旨,並從事醫療、教育及心理衛生相關工作者。
  4. 國內外教育部認可之心理、社工、醫療、教育等相關系所畢業生及研究所在學生,參加心理劇體驗或專業課程時數達100小時以上者。
  5. 非相關研究所畢業者,需於大學、研究所或本會認可之課程提供機構,修習過發展心理學、人格理論、變態心理學、心理諮商/治療理論、團體諮商/治療理論五學科且及格者,或檢具相關主題之研習時數證明(一學分18小時,每個主題至少36小時),且參加心理劇體驗或專業課程時數達100 小時以上者。








The qualifications for membership of this association are as follows.

  1. Individual Membership: for people who posses the nationality of Republic of China (Taiwan) and 

 appreciate the purposes of this association and are qualified as

  1. Licensed professionals, including psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, nurses.
  2. Practitioners certified by any national and international institutions of psychodrama recognized by this association.
  3. Graduates or graduate students at accredited schools who major in psychology, social work, education and medicine, and have taken psychodrama-related courses or workshops over 100 hours.
  4. Graduates who have majored in non-related fields but have passed during school the courses in developmental psychology, personality theory, abnormal psychology, theories of counselling and

psychotherapy, theories of group counselling and psychotherapy, or proof of hours of study in the relevant topic (at least 36 hours for each subject, with one academic credit equivalent to 18 hours), and have taken psychodrama-related workshops over 100 hours.

  1. Group Membership: for public or private institutes in the fields of medicine, social work, mental health service and welfare which appreciate the purposes of this association.
  2. Honorary Membership: for people who have contributed to the field of psychodrama and are recommended by one TEP (Trainer, Educator, and Prationer) and two CPs (Certified Practioners) certified by this association. 
  3. Sponsoring Membership: for people who appreciate the purposes of this association and have demonstrated the sponsorship.
  4. Oversea Membership: for people without the citizenship of Republic of China but nonetheless qualified as an Individual Member.
  5. Preparing Membership: for people not yet an Individual Member. 
  6. Permanent Membership: for people who appreciate the purposes of this association but nonetheless are qualified as an Individual Member or an Oversea Member, and pay a one-time advanced annual fee for twenty years.

The member to be shall file an application for admission, and after the application is reviewed and approved by the board of directors, pay the admission fee and all annual fees according to this Articles of Association. 



All Individual Members have the right to vote, to elect, to be elected and to recall, and each member is eligible to take one vote. All Group Members have the right to vote, to elect and to recall, and each Group Member is eligible to take one vote. Honorary Members, Sponsoring Members, Oversea Members, and Preparing Members are not eligible to have the same rights.


一、  會員有遵守本會章程、決議及繳納會費之義務;未繳納常年會費者,不得享有會員權益。


  1. All members are obligated to abide by this Articles of Association, to resolve and to pay the dues, and will forfeit the membership rights if delinquent in the annual fees.
  2. Any member who is delinquent in the annual fees for two years will be suspended by the board of directors and be dismissed by the General Meeting of Members. Any member dismissed must later reapply to regain the membership.




二、  非本會認可之心理劇導演,不得以本會心理劇導演名義,對外從事心理劇相關行為,經本會勸阻不聽者,得經會員大會予以除名或理事會決議後停權一年。

Any member who is found involved in the following situations will be dismissed or suspended:
1.Any member who violates the professional ethics, the laws, this Articles of Association or the resolutions of the General Meeting of Members may be warned or suspended with a resolution of the board of directors and may be dismissed with a resolution of the General Meeting of Members when the violation is serious.

2.Any member who is not certified as a CP by this association may not conduct psychodrama-related activities as a CP. Any member who disregards the warning by this association may be dismissed by the General Meeting of Members or suspended for a year with a resolution of the board of directors.



Any member who is deprived of the qualifications for the membership or is dismissed by the General Meeting of Members shall be disaffiliated with this association.


第三章 組織及職權 Governance and Duties



The General Meeting of Members holds the highest power of governance. When there are three hundred (300) or more members (member representatives), the organizational area maybe subdivided to elect member representatives according to the percentage of members (member representatives) and to call a general meeting of member representatives to perform the duty. The tenure of each member representative is two years and the regulations on the number of members (member representatives) to be elected and on the election are to be enacted by the board of directors and implemented after being approved by the regulating authority.




The General Meeting of Members shall resolve the following matters:

  1. Formulation and amendment of the Articles of Association.
  2. Election and recall of a director or supervisor.
  3. Setting the amount and payment method of the admission fee, the annual fees, the service fees and the donations from members.
  4. Approval of the annual work plan, achievements, budgets and final accounts.
  5. Dismissal of a member.
  6. Disposal of properties.
  7. Dissolution of this association.
  8. Other important matters related to the rights and obligations of the members.

What are included by other important matters referred to in the subparagraph 8 of the preceding paragraph shall be resolved by the board of directors.






This association shall set nine (9) directors and three (3) supervisors to be elected from the members. And three (3) alternate directors and one (1) alternate supervisor may be elected at the same time and ranked in order of votes. The vacancies for directors and supervisors, if any, shall be filled by the alternate directors and the alternate supervisors in due order.

The board of directors may propose the candidates for the next election of directors and supervisors.

Directors and supervisors may be elected by correspondence. The regulations on election by correspondence shall be enacted by the board of directors and implemented after the approval by the regulating authority.




The board of directors shall have the following duties:

  1. To review of the eligibility of members.
  2. To elect and recall standing directors and the chairperson of the board of directors.
  3. To approve the resignation of the directors, standing directors and the chairperson of the board of directors.
  4. To employ staff.
  5. To present the annual work plan, achievements, budgets and final accounts.

6. To resolve other matters that pertain to the duty of the board of directors.



The board of directors shall set three (3) standing directors to be elected by the directors from the directors, and the chairperson of the board of directors shall be elected from the standing directors.  The chairperson is to oversee the business of this association, to represent this association and to be the chairperson, who convenes the general meetings of members and the meetings of the board of directors. Where unable to perform the duties, the chairperson shall appoint a standing director as the acting chairperson. Where the appointment is not made or not possible, the acting chairperson shall be elected by the standing directors from the standing directors. Where there are vacancies for both the chairperson and the standing directors, the vacancies shall be filled by an election within a month.




The board of supervisors shall perform the following duties:

  1. To supervise the performance of duties by the board of directors.
  1. To review the annual accounts.
  2. To elect and recall the standing supervisor.
  3. To approve the resignation of the supervisors and standing supervisor.

5. To resolve other matters that pertain to the duty of the board of supervisors.



The board of supervisors shall set one (1) standing supervisor to be elected by the supervisors from the supervisors, and to supervise the operation of this association, to be the chairperson of the board of supervisors. Where the standing supervisor is unable to perform the duties, he or she shall appoint a supervisor to be the acting chairperson. Where the appointment is not made or not possible, the acting chairperson shall be elected by the supervisors from the supervisors. Where there is this vacancy for the chairperson (the standing supervisor), the vacancy shall be filled by the election within a month.



The directors and the supervisors are all positions of no pay and of a two-year tenure. They may be reappointed if they are elected again upon expiration of the tenure. The chairperson of the board of directors may be reappointed only once. The tenure of the directors and supervisors starts from the date of first meeting of the board of directors.




A director or a supervisor who meets any of the following conditions shall be relieved of duty from the position immediately:

  1. Deprived of the qualification for membership.
  2. Having resigned due to certain reasons, and such a resignation is approved by the board of directors or the board of supervisors.
  3. Dismissed or removed.
  1. Suspended from the rights for a term of longer than a half of the tenure.




This association shall set one (1) general secretary, to handle the affairs and business of this association following the order of the chairperson, as well as a number of other staff after the appointment by the chairperson, the set and dissmiss by the board of directors and the filing with the regulating authority.

The position of staff referred to in the preceding paragraph may not be filled by the employees. The duties and the rank of the staff shall be resolved by the board of directors.



This association may set committees, groups or internal organization of different functions and may set a certification committee independent of this association. The regulations on the organization of such a committee shall be enacted by the board of directors and be implemented. The regulations shall be amended in the same way.



This association may retain an honorary chairperson of the board of directors, and a number of honorary directors and advisors and their tenures shall be the same as those of the directors and supervisors.


第四章 會  議 Meetings




The general meetings of members are divided into two types: periodical meetings and extraordinary meetings, and the meetings are to be convened by the chairperson of the board of directors. To convene a general meeting of members, the chairperson shall give the written notice to the members fifteen (15) days in advance. However, this is not applicable where an extraordinary meeting is called due to an emergency.

A periodical meeting shall be held once a year, and an extraordinary meeting shall be held when the board of directors deems necessary or at the request of at least one-fifth of the members or at the request of the Supervisory Board. After the registration of this association as a legal entity, an extraordinary meeting shall be held at the request of at least one-tenth of the members.



When the members are unable to attend the general meetings of members, they may entrust in writing other members of this association to attend and to exercise their rights provided that one person can only be entrusted by one member.



A resolution of the General Meeting of Members requires the attendance of more than one half of the members and the consent of more than one half or of a bigger proportion of the attendees. However, the following matters may be resolved only with the consent of not less than two-thirds of the attendees:

  1. Formulation and amendment of the Articles of Association.
  2. Dismissal of a member.
  3. Recall of a director or supervisor.
  4. Disposal of properties.
  5. Dissolution of the association.
  6. Other important matters related to the rights and obligations of the members.

After this association registers as a legal entity, the amendment of the Articles of Association may be resolved only with the consent of not less than three-fourths of the attendees or with the written consent of not less than two-thirds of all members. And the dissolution of the association may be resolved any time with the consent of not less than two-thirds of all members.




The meetings of the board of directors shall be held every three months, and also the meeting of the board of supervisors shall be held every three months. Co-meetings or extraordinary meetings may be held when necessary. The meetings of both the board of directors and those of the board of supervisors may be held by teleconference, and the attending directors and the supervisors are deemed to be attending the meetings in person. However, the meetings involved in election, re-election, recall and enactment of organizational regulations may not be held by teleconference.

To call the meetings referred to in the preceding paragraph, the chairperson shall give written notice to the directors or supervisors seven (7) days in advance except for the extraordinary meetings. A resolution of such meetings requires respectively the attendance of more than one half of the directors and of the supervisors, and the consent of more than one half or of a bigger proportion of the attendees.


理事應出席理事會議,監事應出席監事會議,不得委託出席 ; 理事、監事連續二次無故缺席理事會、監事會者,視同辭職。

The directors or the supervisors shall personally attend respectively the meetings of the board of directors or those of the board of the supervisors, and they may not entrust others to represent them. Absence without due reason for two (2) consecutive times will be regarded as resigning.


第五章 經費及會計 Funds and Accounting











The financial sources of this association are as follows:

  1. Admission fee: NT$1500 for both Individual Membership and Oversea membership, NT$5000 for Group Membership and NT$500 for Preparing Membership.
  2. Perennial membership dues.
  3. Business fees.
  4. Donations from the members.
  5. Entrusted incomes.
  6. Fund and its interests.
    7. Certification fees: NT$1000 for CP, and NT$2000 for TEP.

8. Other incomes.



The fiscal year is based on calendar, from January 1 to December 31 every year.



The board of directors shall make the annual reports on work plan, budgets and salaries of staff, and shall report to the General Meeting of Members for approval two months before the beginning of the fiscal year every year (where the General Meeting of Members fails to be convened as scheduled due to certain reasons, the board of directors shall report for approval to the co-meeting of the board of directors and the board of supervisors), and report to the regulating authority for approval before the fiscal year starts. The board of directors shall make the annual reports on achievements and annual financial statements such as the profit and loss statement, the statement of cash flow, the balance sheet, the list of assets and the income statement of fund and shall submit the reports to the board of supervisors for approval, who in turn shall issue back to the board of directors an opinion after review. And the board of director shall then submit all the reports and the opinion to the General Meeting of Members for approval and shall report to the regulating authority for approval by the end of March. (Where the General Meeting of Members fails to be convened as scheduled, the board of directors shall report to the regulating authority anyway.)



After this association is dissolved, the remaining assets shall be distributed to the municipal corporation of the location of the principal office, or to the institutes designated by the regulating authority. 


第六章 附  則 Supplementary provisions



For matters not provided in this Articles of Association, the relevant laws shall apply.



This Articles of Association shall be implemented after being enacted by the General Meeting of Members and approved by the regulating authority. The amendment shall be enacted and implemented in the same way.



The enactment of the regulations on training and certification for this association shall be the duty of the board of directors.



This Articles of Association was enacted by the General Meeting of Members on Feb 7, 2015, and was approved by the Ministry of Interior with the Tai-Int-Asso Letter No.1040024992 dated April 22, 2015.